The following is suitable as a step by step tutorial and will walk
you through the process of building your web site with XiTemplate.
Although the following examples deal with building web pages,
XiTemplate is also great for building other types of textual documents
from templates like email content, XML, etc.
Getting started
The following examples and tutorial assumes the reader has basic
knowledge of PHP coding and no knowledge of OOP. If you're already an
expert, you can skip forward.
This tutorial was intended to be a step by step process. To
participate properly you should fire up your favorite PHP editor and a
browser so you can interactively learn XiTemplate as you go.
Instantiating The Class
The first step in getting started with XiTemplate involves
instantiating a template object. This is done by calling the class
constructor with the new operator.
An object is a collection of capabilities. By creating an object
you are creating an instance of a tool that can perform many functions
or methods. In essence, you are telling the system
to take a tool out of the tool box called
XiTemplate and store it in memory for later
There is exactly one parameter (argument) that must be passed to
the constructor when instantiating the XiTemplate object. There are
exactly two options for this argument: 1) the path relative from your
script to your template file, or 2) The actual template contents from
the buffer.
Before we can instantiate the class we must include the file that
contains the class code.
- <?php
- /*include the class*/
- include_once('../class.XiTemplate.php');
- /*instantiate the class and pass the path to your HTML template file*/
- $xitpl = new XiTemplate('templates/example.tpl');
- ?>
Now we have an object known as $xitpl.
If you don't have a template handy here's the one we'll
<!-- BEGIN: main -->
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<p>Hi. My name is {NAME}.</p>
<!-- END: main -->
Copy and save the above template on your system as "example.tpl"
and make sure the path passed to the class constructor is
Next, We parse the page out to the browser.
- <?php
- /*include the class*/
- include_once('../class.XiTemplate.php');
- /*instantiate the class and pass the path to your HTML template file*/
- $xitpl = new XiTemplate('templates/example.tpl');
- /*parse the "main" block of the page (the whole page)*/
- $xitpl->parse('main');
- /*send the final page out to the browser*/
- $xitpl->out('main');
- ?>
If you did everything correctly you should have something on the
screen. If you don't, make sure the path to the template is
You've probably noticed that the template variable {NAME} was
never assigned and that it's blank when the page is parsed. This is a
feature we'll discuss as we continue.
Pretty dull so far... stay with me.