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XiTemplate Manual

XiTemplate Manual

The definitive guide

Template Introduction

Templates provide an easy way to maintain web sites as well as other types of documents. A template can contain elements of a web page, text for an email, XML markup, and just about any other textual representation.

Templates are most commonly used on the web to build web pages. With a template engine you can have one HTML page for your whole site that will have place holders (template variables) and sections (template blocks) that can be dynamically replaced with the proper content by a simple web scripting language like PHP. Navigation, images, and body content are all examples of elements can be manipulated by a script.

Why use templates?

The largest benefit to using templates is ease of maintenance. With a template system changing the entire look of a web site can be as easy as designing one new page and flipping a switch.

Another huge benefit is the ability to completely separate logic from presentation. This means that you can have one person work on the logic and another work on HTML without the two ever having to cross paths except to agree on template layout, variables, and blocks.

About XiTemplate

XiTemplate is based on XTemplate by Barnabas Debreceni. Development on XTemplate stopped for unknown reasons in 2001 leaving many to move to other template engines for updated features and bug fixes.

The goal of XiTemplate is to provide the same ease of use and very fast execution time of Xtemplate while adding new features and porting to the even faster PHP 5 object model and Zend Engine 2.

Why use XiTemplate?

So why use XiTemplate when there are many other feature rich template engines available like Smarty?

Easy to use

XiTemplate is very easy to learn. Other template engines, like Smarty, are difficult to learn and hard to master.

Author comment: If you are looking for a feature rich advanced template engine take a hard look at Smarty. Smarty is an awesome template engine with many advanced features. However, if you need a simple and fast template system that's easy to use, or if you are new to templates, Xitemplate might be the best choice for you.

Fast - Fast - Fast

Xitemplate is made up of just a few hundred lines of code and has been optimized to have a small memory footprint. This memory footprint is even more efficient in time of high traffic when little free memory is available.

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