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class.XiTemplte.php was written using ideas from the the excellent 
XTemplate php class written by Barnabas Debreceni <cranx@users.sourceforge.net>. 
It has been updated to optionally read template text in from the 
constructor parameters.  An attempt was also made to reduce the memory 
foot print and increase performance.  The performance gain comes during 
higher load situation where there is less free memory.  The class now runs
with error_reporting(E_STRICT) without creating any E_NOTICE's.  Also, a 
new feature has been added that supports assigning multi-dimensional 

class.XiTemplate.php was written by Travis Miller <tmiller@web-1hosting.net> 
and Jim Grill <jimgrill@jimgrill.com>

This software is free and you may use it under the terms of the 
The GNU General Public License (GPL).

A copy of this license should have been provided with this software. If 
you did not receive a copy of this license (typically found in the top-
level of the source directory as LICENSE) you should obtain a copy immediately
at the following URL: http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php


PHP 5.x with PCRE support.

Documentation generated on Fri, 20 Aug 2004 10:57:42 -0500 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC3